Friday, February 22, 2008

coming up for air...

i think if i quit social science research, stock up on some contraband and have nothing but my laptop (minus movies and graphic novels for company), i might just be one of them *prolific writers*.

i'd write lengthy academic articles, document conversations with fuzzy creatures in my head and write obituaries for my lovers while basking in the flush of coital bliss.

here's a prototype for the sort of stuff i'd write. thanks, so much toxic teddy. much love for my canadian bear...

yours truly:
i think i'm downloading a german movie without any subtitles
i am slightly worried for my sanity.

giggly teddy: loll

yt: it disappeared 22 years ago and i think it has been kidnapped and raped.

gt: over and over again?

yt: oh, yes
and left for dead in winnipeg in a sanctuary for blood-thirsty bears


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